Washington Tendering his Resignation as Commander of the Continental Army

Maryland Old Senate Chamber
Location: Annapolis, Maryland
Notable Event: George Washington resigns as Commander-in-Chief
Period: 1783 - 1784
National Register of Historic Places

General George Washington Resigning His Commission by John Trumbull
In September of 2012, the State of Maryland commissioned Mesick Cohen Wilson Baker Architects to review and assess the findings of the John Greenwalt Lee Company relative to restoring the Old Senate Chamber of the Maryland State House. In addition, MCWB was contracted to conduct and report additional investigations aimed at characterizing the room as it existed in 1783, when George Washington stood before Congress to resign his commission as General of the Army. MCWB also contracted to produce construction documents required to carry forward the restoration and to supervise the restoration process. The investigation, design, and restoration was carried out in collaboration with the Maryland Historic Trust; an agency of the state of Maryland. MCWB assimilated the information previously collected by the John Greenwalt Lee Company and has systematically investigated design issues needing resolution prior to beginning the construction documents phase. These issues have been explored through textual and visual records, physical evidence in the Senate Chamber, and a comparative study of relevant buildings in and around Annapolis. In each case the report offered recommendations to direct the work of restoration.
MCWB was responsible for the preparation of contract documents and was involved in every aspect of detailing the restoration of the Old Senate Chamber through construction.