Rendering by Peter Ferber
Rendering by Peter Ferber
Historic Structure Report
An historic structure report was prepared by the firm that focused on various historical assemblies and its chronological development. This information was used to prepare contract documents for the subsequent restoration of the roof.
The HSR included the entire house and its outbuildings. The report provides a chronological history of the building, documentation of existing conditions, problems of repair, and recommendations for restoration of the house and reinstallation of missing features.
Research included extensive investigation of the interior architectural elements and finishes, and the study of Jefferson’s own accounts of purchases and directions to staff and workmen. Walls, floors and ceilings were carefully scrutinized to determine the locations of furniture, pictures and lighting devices.
The view of the entrance hall summarizes evidence found in that part of the room and graphically restores missing elements, including the painted floor, to their appearance at the time of Jefferson’s occupancy. Crucial to identifying specific objects was a careful analysis of a detailed list of Jefferson’s furnishings brought back upon his return from Paris in 1789. Comparison with other Jefferson correspondence from the period allowed for accurate identification of items for this room and other rooms in the house.