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Maryland State House Dome Restoration

Location: Annapolis, Maryland

Period: 1772 - 1797

National Register of Historic Places

1863 photograph.jpg

1863 Photograph

The Historic Structure Report of the State House Dome completed in 2018 revealed the history of the structure, which was built in 1782, along with a list of restoration recommendations. MCWB also worked on a separate report on the evidence of original dome access stairs by analyzing limited extant elements. A more in depth survey, analysis and preparation of construction documents and specifications were finalized in 2021. At the beginning of 2023, MCWB proceeded with completing the restoration of the Dome and Cupola which included all tiers of the Dome, drums, and the stepped lantern. The comprehensive restoration of the late 18th century Dome included the installation of all new slate roofing and flashings, sections of old-growth cypress shingles, and new copper oval architraves, which replicated the deteriorated metal architraves. Additionally, all of the windows were removed and were painstakingly restored. The Dome received all new paint in a softer white scheme to match its late 19th century appearance. The upper balustrade was completely disassembled and repaired with improved structural and flashing elements installed.

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